Our values
In all of our work we are guided by our five core values:
- Seeing the value of each person and respecting the rights of every person
- Reconciliation, by supporting people to find peace, wellbeing and wholeness within themselves, with each other and in their environment
- Justice, by challenging systems and behaviours that disadvantage people and advocating for positive change
- Audacity, having the courage to speak out, follow new paths and take action for the Mission
- Zeal, we are wholehearted in our purpose.

Our vision
Good Shepherd’s vision is that all women, girls and families are safe, well, strong and connected.
Well – they feel supported to grow, reach their potential and take control over their own lives
Safe – securing physical and emotional safety
Strong – women, girls and families are resilient, reducing their reliance on the service sector
Connected – through the building of networks, women, girls and families can access a coordinated and diverse range of services to meet their needs
A safe place to be
You have the right to feel safe whenever you spend time with us, use our services or visit our workplaces.
Creating safe places for children, young people and adults is at the heart of all we do.
We are guided by our values, our policies and procedures, and the professional standards expected by the community.
Our vision
Our vision is that all women, girls and families are safe, well, strong and connected.
Our mission
Good Shepherd’s mission is to strive for dignity and social justice for women, girls and families by collaborating globally and acting locally.
Our five-year strategy (2023-2027) outlines the world we want to see and our role in advancing it. Read it here
Our network
Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand is part of a global network spanning over 70 countries, working to create just and equal communities where women and girls can live full, safe lives.
Our team
We are all partners in mission. Like the Good Shepherd Sisters, we work with people in the community wherever services are needed and wherever there are opportunities for positive change.
Our history
The Sisters of the Good Shepherd were founded in France in 1835 by Saint Mary Euphrasia Pelletier to assist women and children in most need. More than 180 years later, Good Shepherd continues to provide courageous and compassionate service

Our supporters
We thank all our generous donors, funders, partners and supporters. Your commitment to assisting full and equal access to opportunities, resources, education and employment is invaluable.
Our programs and services
Our programs and services help people increase their choices, outcomes and opportunities in life.
Walk alongside women
When you donate to Good Shepherd, you become a partner in our mission to tackle the significant challenges facing women, girls and their families. With your support, we’ve done so much – but there’s so much more to do.
Join our team
At Good Shepherd, each member of our team is valued and we strive to support people to grow both personally and professionally.