Across the Asia Pacific region, the futures of millions of girls are imperilled as the result of unequal rights realisation. This is only being exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the girl child is not a homogeneous group, many face similar challenges. They are disproportionately disadvantaged in health, education, work and family life, especially in the region’s poorest countries. When factors like poverty, disability or ethnicity intersect and where gender stereotyping and unequal power relations dominate, girls’ disadvantage is amplified.
This report is one of the outcomes of the International Day of the Girl Child 2020 wherein Good Shepherd units in Asia Pacific supported the proposal for regional research on the rights attainment of the girl child from the perspective of practitioners from Good Shepherd social services, as well as school settings. Practitioners from 15 countries participated in this research and the report examines how they understand and apply a human rights-based approach for girls in key dimensions of their programs.