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Heritage Engagement Program

We welcome Former Residents and their families to make contact with Good Shepherd. Today, through our Heritage Engagement program, we work to support former residents by, deeply and respectfully listening, acknowledging their past and our own part in it, and responding to their individual needs for connection with their histories, identities and narratives.

Since the launch of this program in 2017, we have worked with over 550 former residents of Good Shepherd homes in Australia and New Zealand, their families and carers to help them make sense of their past and provide them with records to help them understand their history.
Our Heritage Engagement program is a free, confidential service for former residents and their families. It is holistic and trauma informed.

Our Heritage Engagement Coordinator is the first point of contact for former residents and their families.

older woman with short hair smiling

Our Heritage Engagement Program provides:

Good Shepherd Heart

Supported access to historical records of former residents of Good Shepherd institutions

Good Shepherd Heart

Search and support service to access personal historical records

Good Shepherd Heart

Information and support to link into other support services

We are here to help

About Us

Learn more about Good Shepherd here >

Contact Us

Contact our Heritage Engagement Coordinator
Ph: 1800812702
[email protected] 

Locate Us

Find your nearest service provider here >

More resources

Good Shepherd Heart

Our History

The Sisters of The Good Shepherd came from France to Australia in 1863 to help vulnerable women and children during the Gold Rush.

Former Resident Support

The Chapel History Centre

Our friendly volunteers can answer your questions or take you on a tour of the Chapel.

Former Resident Support

Our Apology to Former Residents

Good Shepherd is committed to supporting former residents and improving their wellbeing today.

Other services you may be interested in

Good Shepherd Apology to Former Residents

Good Shepherd Apology to Former Residents

Good Shepherd is committed to supporting former residents and improving their wellbeing today. To do this, we must act with sincerity and empathy, recognising the suffering they experienced can still be felt today.
The Good Shepherd Archive

The Good Shepherd Archive

The Good Shepherd Archive is located in Abbotsford, Melbourne. It manages the records of the Good Shepherd Sisters in Australia and New Zealand dating from 1863 until the present day.
National Redress Scheme

National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse.
Former Residents: Other resources

Former Residents: Other resources

Our Memorial Committee is ensuring all sites are marked to remember, honour and acknowledge women and children who spent time in Good Shepherd institutions in consultation with former residents and local communities.