Our Services
Good Shepherd offers a wide range of therapeutic services for young people and their families in Sydney’s Inner West. These services provide youth and families with the tools to support their mental health and wellbeing, safety, and connection within two programs:
- Youth Counselling and Family Resilience
- Youth Specialist Sexual Violence, Trauma and Mental Health Counselling
We are a safe and welcoming space for all LGBTIQA+ identifying people.
Our youth and family services are funded by the Department of Communities and Justice under the Targeted Early Intervention Program and remain free of cost for all clients.
General Eligibility:
Our services are offered to young people aged 12-24 and their families who live, work or study in the broader Inner West area, including the following LGAs:
- Burwood
- Canada Bay
- Canterbury-Bankstown
- Inner West
- Strathfield
- Sydney
Referral Process:
We accept self-referrals and referrals from services or professionals engaged with the young person or their family, where the young person has identified interest in counselling and provided consent for the referral to occur.
If you are self-referring, please email [email protected] or call 02 8571 7800 to express interest. A team member will then be in touch to arrange a call or meeting to gather key information for the referral to proceed.
If you are a service referring on behalf of a client or their family member, please email [email protected] for a referral form. Once we receive completed referral forms, our counselling team will be in contact about next steps.

We're here to help
About Us
Learn more about Good Shepherd here
Contact Us
For more information, contact:
ph: 02 8571 7800
[email protected]
Locate Us
440 Marrickville Road, Marrickville NSW 2204
Read our report on the challenges and opportunities facing children and young people.
Youth Support
Download our report to learn how youth in their younger and middle years can be better supported.
Family & Domestic Violence
Download the full 2020 Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence.